Statement showing the details of Annual Property Returns/Annual Performance Report-2015-16

The Department earlier known as Weights and Measures Department is mainly responsible for enforcement of Metric System i.e. MKS( Meter, Kilogram, second) replacing the outdated FPS ( Foot pound and second), to bring uniformity in respect of Weights and Measures in trade and commerce and regulate sale of goods in package form with MRP, packaging Date, Net Weight, Name of the Manufacturer/ importer etc distinctly indicated thereon. The J&K Consumer Protection Act, has been amended, empowering the officers of Legal and Metrology Department to institute cases in consumer courts on behalf of aggrieved consumers. The Department creates awareness among consumers regarding their rights and receives complaints against unfair trade practices for appropriate action against the defaulters. During the 2010-11 the Legal Metrology Department has compounded the challans of 5542 offences/violations and realized composition fee of Rs.28.81 lac and stamping fee of Rs.78.03 lac. The Revenue realization of the Department touched 113.34 lac. during 2010-11 ( ending 2/2011) as against last years achievement of Rs. 87.75 lacs.